If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact us. This section is provided to help you better understand our language services and their environment.


why is the deadline for a certified translation longer than for a standard translation?

There are several reasons for this. A certified translator is often obliged to work from original documents (if that is requested by the authority requiring the certified translation). The time required to send the documents to the translator and return them to the client must be taken into account.

There are also far fewer certified translators than non-certified ones. Court-registered translators are fewer in number and, consequently, they have more work and are not available as often.

how can i calculate the number of words in my document?

If your document has been written in Word or Powerpoint, for example, you can find out the number of words by clicking on Review – Word Count or choosing the particular cells you require in Excel.

If you cannot calculate the number of words or the file type is too complicated, we have all the necessary tools for analysing the number of words to be translated. Simply send us your files.

what is the difference between automatic translation and computer-assisted translation?

La traduction automatique est celle réalisée par une machine ou un Automatic translation is carried out by a machine or an IT programme. A human translator is not involved.

The technology used by Word Illusio is the benchmark CAT (computer-assisted translation) tool. This software helps to improve quality so as to provide consistency in a client’s documents. The CAT tool means that personalised filters can be applied to the files to be translated in order to check spelling, grammar, terminology, numbers, abbreviations, etc. This software does not replace human translators in any way. Rather, it helps reduce excessive verification tasks.

what should i do if i do not receive an answer within an hour?

We guarantee a response within one hour of receiving your request for a quote (during opening hours). If this deadline is not respected, it is because the agency was extremely busy at that time. If your request is urgent, please call us direct on 01 84 73 21 28.

how do i pay for the service?

When a quote is issued, the project manager will suggest direct payment via a secure Paypal link. If this is not convenient, you can pay by bank transfer or cheque. In some cases it is possible to pay upon receipt of the invoice (this should be discussed with the project manager).

how can i be sure that THE service has been provided by a native speaker?

We are always mindful of the profiles of our translators and always check their references. Translation into their mother tongue is a prerequisite. A translator will never translate into another language under the pretext that they know that language well. Finally, it is also partly down to trust: we create strong relationships with our translators and learn to work together constructively.

why does the rate change depending on the language?

There are several reasons why the price per word varies for different language pairs in the same area of specialisation: if the desired language is widely used, such as English for example, the price will be lower than for Norwegian for example. Living standards in the country where the translator is located can also influence the price per word. The language differential rate (i.e. the size of the document) can also be a factor. In German for example, the number of words in a document increases significantly; a translator therefore has more work quantitatively speaking and must often reformulate sentences so as not to exceed a given number of characters.

who will translate my document?

A project manager will choose an experienced mother tongue translator on the basis of their area of specialisation. They will ensure that the translator has the appropriate skills for your project.

All Word Illusio’s translators work on a freelance basis.

how is the quality of a translation checked?

The price per word of a translation includes quality control of a sample of the document translated. Of 1,000 words translated, a reviser will check a random sample of 100 words. This will determine whether the translation is of an acceptable quality on the basis of several criteria. If the result is not satisfactory, the project manager communicates with the translator and the reviser to determine the causes and find solutions (style, terminology, grammar, highly specific area of specialisation, etc.). Once all doubts have been removed, the translation will be delivered to the client.

i’m not satisfied. what can i do?

We do our utmost to ensure that you are satisfied with the work provided. If that is not the case, please send us your comments and questions. A project manager will examine the problems you raise, whether they are justified and will propose solutions (possibility of a new translation if the quality is too low or does not meet your expectations; possibility of requesting a full review of the original translation).



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